Search Engine Optimization Services (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is not new but it is something that very few get right. We are here to help you. Leave it to us to get you the best SEO Results in no time!

SEO Work Process at MicroPyramid

SEO is an ongoing process and we stay updated at all times with respect to the latest updates by Google and other search engines. We ensure that your website stays relevant across all search engines, be it Google, Yahoo or Bing at all times. And most importantly, we ensure that your website stays relevant for your customers, that it brings you the most relevant leads and conversions!

Why Search Engine Optimization is important to your Business?

Improve Website Rankings

The majority of search engine visitors are more likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions in the search engine results page. Top position in search results will get more clicks and impressions. So, ranking in top position will significantly improve traffic.

Brand Awareness

Visibility plays a vital role in Brand Awareness. If many customers visit your site, get familiar with your business and more likely visiting back you again and telling their friends about your website is Branding. To Increase Brand Awareness your website should be more visible in search engine results page.

Reducing Marketing Cost

Search Engine Optimization brings a lot of business to your website quite low cost when compared to the cost of PPC, Social Media Marketing, radio, tv and newspapers. Best Search Engine Optimization company provides plenty of benefits to your business with out effecting your costs much.

User experience

SEO is not only for Search engines but good SEO Service will improve user experience and usability of a site. If we rank high in search engine results page without good call to action points then we will lose business and valuable customers.


Search Engine Optimization

Higher Page Rankings

On Search Engines Like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc

Increased Traffic

To your Website

Increased ROI

Increase Return Of Investment

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a series of methods to improve your website’s rankings and visibility and an organic method of generating more relevant customers for your business. It basically lets people know what your business is about and how they can benefit from it. There are several ways of doing SEO but broadly it is divided into two main categories:-

On page SEO Service

On-page SEO is the set of activities that improve your website. These activities typically involve content changes, HTML changes or structure changes and make your website more relevant to search engines and customers alike. Best On page SEO company gives rankings in Search engines to Customers.

Off page SEO Service

Improving your website or optimizing your website alone would not lead to any results. The Internet is a complex network where other websites also influence the way, our website ranks or its relevance. The set of activities or techniques that help in website optimization in conjunction with other websites is Off page SEO, in a nutshell.

But, that’s not all that there is to SEO, all SEO activities need to lead somewhere. They should lead to sales and conversions. If you are looking for a partner who can help increase your conversions and get your business where you want it to be then you have come to the right place. Best Off page SEO company provides link building for placing better rankings in Search engine.

Why to choose Micropyramid for SEO

At MicroPyramid, we have a team of SEO experts who have worked across industries and done some phenomenal work to improve SEO rankings and relevance for websites across different product categories and sectors. We first analyze your website and find out its lacking features both from an on-page SEO as well as off page SEO perspective. But, that’s not where we stop; we also study your competitor’s websites and find out their loopholes. We, then commence work on your website. Not only do we improve it and optimize it, we also add that extra zing that your competitor lacks; giving you that edge over the competition.
So, what are you waiting for, Contact us now at to know more about our Website Optimization and SEO services.

Our Projects

Bough Digital

The crimsonbride is a platform where the brides can find & contact professionals.

PRO Music Tutor

Online music site to learn from some of the best players in the world


Giftingnation's vision is to create a destination for people to find and buy products which help them to wish, share and express emotions





We are Helping Others to do same