Google Tag Manager Consulting Services in USA

Google Tag Manager or GTM is a tool provided by Google that helps you manage tags for conversion marketing, analytics, remarketing and more in a simple and easy manner. GTM supports Google and all third party tags and lets you collaborate within your business. It has features that allow multi-support testing that lets marketing and IT teams within your business work together successfully like never before.

Some key advantages of Google Tag Manager are:-

Google Tag Manager is a very effective tool for scaling up your marketing and analytics efforts but needs to be implemented and monitored correctly. Here’s where MicroPyramid comes to your rescue. MicroPyramid has a team of professionals who can set-up GTM for your website and enable several functions such as goal conversion tracking, ecommerce tracking, campaign tracking, event tracking, video tracking, remarketing campaign tracking and more. Our team also excels in debugging Google Tag Manager codes and issues as well as training your inhouse team on the GTM process if so needed.

  • Easy to manage website code – Once GTM is added on to your website; you need not modify the code or rewrite it again and again. Thus, managing website code becomes easier than ever before.
  • Reduced workload of development team – GTM allows multiple functions such as remarketing, conversion tracking and advanced analytics through addition of new tags through its interface. Thus, development team need not modify website code to add tags again and again hence saving them precious time and reducing their workload.
  • Easier and faster testing and deployment – With GTM on your website, you can test and deploy tags faster and in a more efficient manner. Surveys and time sensitive campaigns can be launched and tracked faster with the help of this functionality.
  • Advanced Google Analytics – Google Tag Manager enables more accurate data collection and tracking thus enabling advanced features within Google Analytics. The tagging hardly takes any time and lets you roll out advanced analytics reports in short spans of time.
  • Higher control over Marketing and Analytic Tags – Google Tag Manager enables you to establish greater control over marketing and analytics across the pages of your website. It lets you set conditions on when a particular tag should be fired and the sequence to be executed once a particular tag is fired.

To know more about our Google Tag Manager services, drop us a mail at Trust us; you will only gain from the experience.